Monday 2 March 2015

Exploring Conventions of Promotional Video

Promotional Video

We were tasked in creating a power point to explore and analyse codes and conventions of promotional videos and what elements are to be incorporated to produce them.

We looked at the types of promotional video that can be created and then I worked with another student on the power point.

The types of promotional video are:
  • Product Launch/Marketing 
  • Promoting Key Messages and Values
  • Internal Communications
  • Training (Internal/External)
  • Show-Reels
  • Event Coverage
For our powerpoint exploration we took a slice of four of these different reasons to promote a video and analysed the conventions and how effectively they were applied in terms of theses elements:

  • Target Audience
  • Mode of Address
  • Technical Conventions
  • Image/Brand Identity
  • Narrative
These are screen caps of the slides used for the presentation, each were discussed between the two of us, reviewed and we elaborated during delivery of our presentation on each of the points.

Here above is a screen shot of one of the notes page in which recorded extra information for our presentation.

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