Thursday, 11 September 2014

A Blonde in Love - Recreation Project

Task: Recreate a Scene from the New Wave Film
A Blonde In Love

We as a group have been tasked to recreate the style and cinematography of a scene from a New Wave film, as closely as we can. We were able to disscuss and set up a few things that would help us in a plan to as closely get the shots needed. Things such as where the shots and scenes changed throughout the clip also how the camera moved and where it was placed.

Firstly we opened the clip and paused to take a screen capture at every instance the shot changed, so that we would have a visual reference for each shot we'd have to recreate.

The screen captures would save to our desk top where we would then rename them and save the files in an organised folder renamed and ordered. This would help coming back to them and later when importing them into the image story board.

Next we went through the clip again this time scrolling through the search bar to record all the rough timings and durations of the shots. This list did not need to be as accurate as we would be recording a few seconds extra either side to as aid in getting a more accurate edit. How were we to get more accurate of an edit of timings? We decided on creating a premier pro file and importing the clip to mark out the frames in which the scenes changed.

Before creating our premier pro project we created and named a folder for all of our files in this project to be placed. This was in order of organisation but also would help with running the project as all files could be easily loaded and located from the same space.

We imported the clip through the File menu and it was added to our bin which we dragged and dropped into the time line.

By using the arrows on the key board we could steadily progress through the clip stopping at each first frame of the next shot.

Placing marker was done by using the shortcut "M" button on our key boards, speeding up the process it took to do.

With the markers placed we had our selves a template ready for editing to be done once our shots had been collected.

With the project saved another of our group brought together the image story board through using power point. By importing the captured images of the shot changes we compiled an ordered image story board with the important information we'd need to help us shoot the scenes from the clip later.

The main information added included the shot number; the length of each shot taken from the rough list and details of any camera movement. Here is the presentation we will be using.

Next our Group plans to go on to look for locations where to shoot. we'll be taking into account its suitability for the shots and also health and saftey.

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