Thursday 11 June 2015

Unit 2 Bibliography

Bibliography of Information Used Throughout Presentation

  • "What were they?" Slide - Various previously known background information dates checked through search engine using Wikipedia pages e.g.
  • Andrew Godwin - Dancing in the Distraction Factory (1992) MINNEAPOLIS
  • Laura Mulvey - Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema (1975) 
  • Blur, Parklife (Music Video) - (1994)
  • Blur, Charmless Man (Music Video) - (1995)
  • Blur, Country House (Music Video) - (1996)
  • Oasis, Morning Glory (Music Video) - (1995)
  • The Verve, Bittersweet Symphony (Music Video) - (1997)
Research and results collected and gathered by me through audio and written work for Focus Group and by email and document for Questionnaire.

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